We value employer feedback and use it to drive improvements in the quality of our provision and the learning experience. 

How we gather feedback:

We gather feedback as follows:


  • Informal/ad hoc feedback during visits and communications.
  • During programme meetings/discussions on “what was good and what could be improved”.
  • Questionnaires during and at the end of the programme, about how you feel/felt about key aspects of the programme.


Capella is dedicated to continuous improvement and welcomes feedback directly from employers and apprentices/delegates regarding  the services and training we provide. Whether you have a question, suggestion, compliment, comment or complaint, you can provide us with details through a variety of channels. These include contacting Capella directly by phone, email or through our website, via ongoing feedback/discussion during reviews and at end of programme evaluations. 

If you would like to give ad hoc feedback (and have not specifically been requested to do so by Capella as part of our reviews) you can complete this form here: https://capellaassociates.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/77000280229-complaints-compliments-feedback-or-appeals  

A copy of Capella's Complaints Policy is available on Capella's website: https://capellaassociates.com/company/capella-policies