We value learner feedback and use it to drive improvements in the quality of our provision and the learning experience. We gather feedback as follows:

  • Informal/ad hoc feedback during training, coaching and workshops
  • End of training module discussions or electronic feedback on “what was good and what could be improved”
  • Questionnaires during and at the end of the programme, about how you feel / felt about key aspects of the programme

Reasons why we ask you to provide feedback


To enable Capella to personalise your training and maximise your learning 

  • Whilst much of the programme content is set, we want to tailor the sessions to suit your needs and your style of learning 
  • We all come from different starting points and have different strengths and weaknesses. As trainers we want to know about these, so that we can adapt our teaching 
  • Only by your willingness to share honest feedback, can we try to tailor our delivery to suit you throughout the programme


To build in opportunities for you to reflect on your own learning

  • Your day to day job probably does not allow you much time to reflect, so we deliberately build in these opportunities
  • You need time to consider how well you are getting on, whether or not you are on track and whether there are any obstacles in your way
  • So that you have every opportunity to share any concerns throughout the programme, to guarantee that you get as much out of it as possible


To enable you to feel in control and drive your own learning forward 

  • You need to feel that you are not just “doing” the programme, but that you are very much in the driving seat
  • Whilst direct teaching, coaching and application in the workplace are key components of the programme, it’s as much about your own personal development, acquiring new skills and fostering positive learning behaviours
  • Supporting you not only to evaluate any barriers to your learning, but empowering you to take ownership and seek effective ways to overcome them yourself


If, at any time during your programme, you have any problems, difficulties or concerns then please bring them to the attention of your Capella trainer, either during training or coaching sessions or by arranging a suitable time for the issue to be discussed. Alternatively, an email or phone call may be sufficient to resolve things.

A copy of Capella's Complaints and Concerns Policy is available on the Capella website: https://capellaassociates.com/company/capella-policies